Aberdeen Royal Infirmary - Measured Term Contract
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Maintaining Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
Over a three-year contract, Robertson is delivering planned improvement works and minor capital projects to ensure NHS Grampian continuously provides safe and pleasant facilities for patients, visitors and staff throughout its multiple sites.
With a dedicated contract manager and team on the project, we've built great working relationships with the NHS and property teams, and become fully familiar with the estate to proactively maintain its assets.
Key facts
- Undertake 100+ jobs per year
- Promote safety excellence in a live hospital environment
- Use BIM 360 for quality management
Driving safety and efficiency in a live hospital environment
Working across healthcare areas including emergency departments and theatres, we have one chance to get things right so prepare for activities through outstanding planning and programming.
There's no compromise on safety so from testing and installation to repairs, maintenance and refurbishment, our teams adhere to the stringent measures specified in HAI-SCRIBE in preparation for works, and regularly liaise with the NHS infection control team to further ensure compliance.
In a fast-paced healthcare environment, works must be timely. We have full access to a complete site set-up, including temporary internal hoarding systems, and equipment that assures the highest level of safety and performance. Through our partnerships with leading suppliers in health hazard control, we ensure work areas are contained, and dust migration and excessive noise mitigated.
Carrying out over 100 jobs per year for NHS Grampian, we cross paths with staff, visitors and patients daily. With their safety a priority, we put in place excellent pedestrian management, work with cordless tools and operate a strict 'no tools left unattended' policy.
- Temporary internal hoarding to mitigate dust contamination and noise
- Battery-operated equipment to prevent tripping hazards
- HEPACART for dust containment and above-ceiling works
- Pedestrian management systems
Upgrades and refurbishments cover healthcare facilities such as theatres, hospital wards and consultant rooms, including £190k of fire compartmentation works in live operating theatres and a Covid-19 vaccination centre – where we repurposed a building to create a new facility to meet the demand for vaccinations during the pandemic.
Community and legacy
In January 2022 we completed a staff garden, to provide them with a space to relax and reflect during breaks.
"I am pleased to say you have been a pleasure to work with. Your ability to comprehend what I was saying/looking to achieve and your willingness to 'make it happen' was impressive and always in a manner that was positive and helpful."