Robertson Civil Engineering laying an access road

Coylton Waste Water Treatment Works


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South Ayrshire
Scottish Water
October 2017
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Wastewater treatment works fit for purpose

Robertson Civil Engineering upgraded an existing wastewater treatment works by constructing a new outfall structure and installing new outfall pipework and manholes.

The project, which was procured through the Scottish Water Framework, involved the construction of 2.5 km of 350 mm HDPE pipe, providing an extension to the existing outfall into River Ayr, as well as the installation of a new outfall structure. The existing treatment works had to remain live and operational throughout the construction process.

Coordination with utilities and others

Due to the sensitivity of the local road network, directional drilling was used underneath four road crossings to ease the impact on the public.
We liaised with all affected utility providers – particularly SGN – due to the proximity of large gas mains to the works. The outfall works were coordinated with multiple landowners and respective accommodation works agreed and completed for each.

Respecting the environment

When working in and around River Ayr, the civil engineering team paid close attention to the river ecosystem and salmon population.
We liaised with the local fisheries board to agree on bank reinstatement and programmed the project to carry out in-river works outside of the spawning season.

Working with Scottish Water

In Aviemore and the Black Isle, Robertson Civil Engineering also delivered a £250k design and build project to upgrade water mains at various locations.