Robertson Online Induction

For the safest start on site

Complete the registration process – you won't be allowed on site without it

Your safety, and the safety of those around you, is paramount to us. That’s why we’ve introduced Robertson Online Induction as our Pre-enrolment platform for health, safety and environmental training.

The completion of the online registration process and health and safety inductions ensures that all site workers and visitors have a base understanding of the core operating standards.

It's mandatory

Registration is mandatory for all site workers and visitors across all Robertson Sites.

Supply Chain members must ensure employees are registered in advance of attending site.

Registration is valid for a 12-month period, Annual renewal reminders will be issued.

Stages of Registration

Every participant will be asked to:

· Process through induction awareness training.

· Add emergency contact details and credentials.

· Complete all sections of induction process.

· Provide formal identification including CSCS cards or equivalent for all trade activity will be required.

Completing this induction takes around 20 minutes. 

Register for Robertson Online Induction