Decarbonisation partnerships


Carbon emissions


energy efficiency


operational costs

Robertson supports customers across the full decarbonisation journey - from strategic advice, energy procurement and investment, through to project management, construction and refurbishment or maintenance of assets.  

Your building stock can make a significant contribution to meeting your net zero targets, and we can help with our vast experience of construction and refurbishment.

We connect the dots

Strategic support

We have the resources and knowledge in-house to provide the strategic support you need at the outset, to understand the challenge, identify the most effective options and guide you forward. We also draw on a national network of consultants and can bring in exactly the right expert to address specific technical challenges.

Energy expertise

As an energy partner, we can source and procure a provider for you as well as provide an energy management service. Our FM teams can advise on the right plant and equipment and/or can monitor and assess it on an ongoing basis, reviewing insights to ensure everything is performing as efficiently as it can be.

Investment acumen

Our in-house experts can source investment in your facility, through our extensive network of funders, structuring the right finance arrangement to suit your budget. 

Delivery capability 

In delivering a project, we can provide a complete service or give you just the support you need, whether that means the management oversight to ensure that cost and programme remain on track, or even to bring in one of our regional construction businesses in to the team. 

Low carbon construction

Buildings generate a significant part of the UK’s emissions. Our experience of working in collaborative design teams helps you minimise the carbon impact of new buildings as a projects are developed, and our assured construction delivers the quality to support your drive towards a better environment.

Main entrance of the Net Zero Industry Innovation Centre.
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East End Campus

Low carbon construction case studies

Decarbonisation building refurbishment

Our construction teams deliver building refurbishments with modern, efficient-energy systems; and implement the right building fabric improvements that unlock vital carbon savings for you. 

Solar photovoltaic system
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A male and female member of Team Robertson on site, wearing PPE. The man is holding a clip board.

Building refurbishment case studies

Decarbonisation retrofit of facilities

Our Facilities Management project teams use their extensive experience of maintenance of M&E systems to increasing energy efficiency and lower carbon emissions. Robertson FM can support you through the process from project scope, to design, installation and commissioning, and final handover.

Image of two construction workers checking an electric meter to monitor decarbonisation and energy use
Hard FM

Decarbonisation retrofit case studies

Our ESG commitment: to assure a sustainable future

Being socially, economically and environmentally responsible in all that we do is crucial to the success we’ve achieved to date, and to the continued sustainability of our business. Our purpose is to assure a sustainable future.

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