Engineering and Life Sciences, Chesterfield College
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An innovative hub for sustainable engineering and science
The project comprises the creation of a new facility to support the needs of the Engineering and Science-allied curriculum whilst providing an energy-efficient building in line with the College’s ambitions to reduce its carbon footprint.
2,450 m2
new build
2,000 m2
1,600 m²
teaching and learning space
Energy efficiency and sustainability
The new facility will reflect the curriculum, utilising a fabric-first design approach to deliver energy and carbon savings whilst maximizing value for money. A major emphasis of the proposed curriculum will be the development of sustainable technologies and engineering practices in response to the urgent Climate Crisis and the 2050 Net Zero target.
Facilities within the building will include an advanced engineering lab, electrical installation workshop, electric/hydrogen vehicle workshop, 3D print and prototype workshop, science labs, general teaching and ICT suite, and social/learning collaboration space.
Demolition and green space creation
As part of our works, the existing North Block 1 building and a further termporary structure will be demolished following the completion of the new facility. This will remove category C/D accommodation from the site and allow an area of green space to be created in its place, replacing anything lost through the construction of the new build development.
Project team
Architects: Bond Bryan Architects
Project/Cost Management: Edge
Landscape Architects: Bond Bryan Landscape
Civil / Structural Engineers: Watermans
Mechanical & Electrical Consultants: CPW
Procurement route
The project was procured through the YORbuild3 Medium Works framework. Robertson Construction works in partnership with YORhub to deliver projects over £4m and up to £10m helping local authorities and other public and third sector organisations in the Yorkshire and Humber regions to deliver construction projects efficiently and collaboratively.