Liverpool College

Morris Building, Liverpool College


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Liverpool College
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New teaching block for Liverpool College

Robertson has constructed the new Morris Building for Liverpool College, to address the growing demand for school places in the area. We have expanded the campus through the demolition of the former Grounds Keeper’s Cottage and creation of the new teaching block and outdoor space. 

Located in the Mossley Hill and Greenbank Conversation area, the materials and architectural style have been selected to reflect the mix of buildings with local historical interest on the site and adjacent new build student accommodation for the University of Liverpool. 

The college remained operational throughout construction, with access to be provided to the sports centre outside of normal school hours. An external boundary wall will be built re-using the bricks from the old ground keeper’s cottage.


solar panels



new trees


Alongside the roof-mounted solar panels and new trees planted, the project has been designed with a surface water attenuation tank, to reduce rainwater run-off, an air source heat pump as a sustainable source of heat generation, and an outside seating area with a canopy to provide a leisure and wellbeing area for students and staff.

Considerate Constructors

We set a high standard in all aspects of the project and have been awarded with a total score of 46/45 by The Considerate Constructors Scheme – a maximum score, with an additional best practice point awarded for “Women in Construction”. 

The score reflects our best practice in the categories: Respect the community, Protect the Environment and Value the workforce. 

Community Impact

The social value generated for this project is £2,470,000, with six local apprentices on the project and over 184 hours career mentoring. A total of 51 hours was spent on local school and college visits undertaken to give opportunities to those in early careers and wanting to learn more about the world of work. 

“We have been most impressed by the professional manner in which Robertson conducts its business.”
Hannah Cassidy
Vice Principal Operations, Liverpool College

Procurement route

The project has been procured through the Procure Partnerships North West framework.