100,000 square feet of new industrial space for Gateshead
The £6m business park brings much-needed facilties to Gateshead and is one of the largest speculative industrial developments to be built in the area for a decade.
Over 52 weeks, the Robertson team constructed 11 units varying between 2,375 sq ft over five portal framed standalone buildings. The development included office and welfare facilties, infrastructure, landscaping, car park and service yards.
Work included:
Relocation of war memorial.
Reinforced pad and strip foundations and attenuation tanks.
Structural steelwork, brick and block work walls and RC floors, external masonary walls, cladding, window/doors and rainwater goods.
Fire protection, internal partitions, mechanical and electrical services, suspended ceilings and associated fit out.
Air test, pre-commissioning, fianl testing and commisioning and end user training.
Main drainage, kerbing, tarmac basecourse, permable paving, external lighting, top soilinf and soft landscaping, tarmac wearing course and raod markings.