Stockport integrated FM services
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An FM integrator role ensuring value for public sector estate
Working in an integrated role, we support Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC) by covering a suite of services including facilities management, asset management and supply chain management.
We’ve partnered with SMBC since 2018. Effecting a quick and smooth transition of services whilst maintaining service delivery was critical at that time after the collapse of a previous service provider.
607.4 tonnes CO2e
per year reduction
per year saved
Services delivered
- M&E maintenance – planned and reactive
- Energy and utilities management
- Statutory inspection and testing
- Asbestos management
- Legionella management
- Asset management including:
- Education and corporate asset management
- Space and move management
Integrated supply chain management saves £600k over 5 years
Our professional approach eases the management and administrative burden on the Council as well as bringing savings. Re-evaluating the supply chain and introducing efficient, smart systems, we demonstrated £605,228 of savings over our renewed 5-year term. SMBC keeps its preferred suppliers, including direct labour organisations, and we support them in the same collaborative way we work with all our subcontractors.
Decarbonisation saves almost £100k per year
Through Clear Futures, Robertson offers an energy management service. We scope the works, model the energy savings and manage the retrofit of energy efficient heating, lighting and building fabric improvements. We’ve delivered £4.3m of decarbonisation projects across SMBC’s public estate.
Decarbonising eight sites, with funding through the Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund – Low Carbon Skills Fund has taken SMBC a step closer to its net zero targets.