Decarbonisation refurbishment

Bringing buildings up to net zero standards

Decarbonising your building stock can make a significant contribution to meeting your net zero targets, and we can help with our vast experience of construction and refurbishment.

Working with you on your building refurbishments with modern, efficient-energy systems; and implementing building fabric improvements is how we unlock vital carbon savings for you. 

Increasing energy efficiency and lowering carbon emissions have become a top priority, allowing us to support industrial decarbonisation. Robertson can support you through this process, from project scope, through the design, installation and commissioning phases, to final handover.


CO2 emissions


energy efficiency


operational costs

Delivering these refurbishments within tight budgets is key, and that’s where our experience of winning decarbonisation funding, such as the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, can be the difference. We have experience of supporting a number of customers through the process.

Improving building performance can reduce your running costs as well as emissions, bringing you inline with the current UK net zero building standards.  With buildings expected to meet ever-stricter energy standards, we’re here to ensure you get best value for the long term, and your assets are as efficient as they can be for their lifetime.

We benchmark your estate and develop the most effective plan to decarbonise it. If you need funding, we can identify and help to apply for it, building a realistic capital programme, before implementing the works.

We deliver these through our hands-on local teams backed by the knowledge and expertise of our design experts, and supported by our dedicated supply chain. 

Decarbonisation refurbishment projects

Reducing CO2 and increasing energy efficiency for our customers.

Robertson construction decarbonisation refurbishment solar PV
Explore case studies

Net zero construction

Buildings generate a significant part of the UK’s emissions. We understand how to minimise the carbon impact of both new construction and existing buildings, and support our customers' drive towards a better future for the environment.

Solar photovoltaic system
Our expertise and capability