21 October 2016
Plans submitted for Edinburgh affordable housing
Plans submitted for Edinburgh Affordable Housing Programme
Planning and design consultancy Barton Willmore has submitted the next two planning applications, on behalf of Robertson, for the City of Edinburgh Council’s Small Sites Affordable Housing Programme.
The applications propose a total of over 200 new affordable and mid-market rent properties across the north and west of Edinburgh, which will be delivered by Robertson Partnership Homes.
The Small Sites Affordable Housing Programme was procured through the Scape National Major Works framework. Scape Group is a public sector owned built environment specialist offering a full suite of national frameworks and innovative design solutions.
The Clermiston proposals are for 44 new homes at Parkgrove Terrace in a well-established residential neighbourhood. The development is a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom flats designed around a central courtyard with clearly defined public and private spaces and well integrated parking.

Crewe Road
26 new affordable for rent homes at Crewe Road Gardens in Pilton
The Crewe Road Gardens proposals in Pilton will provide 26 new flats within a 4 storey block that respects the massing of surrounding housing. The proposals provide the opportunity for provision of a secure community garden area to the north which will be of great benefit to residents.

Hailesland Place
A further planning application for affordable for rent homes at Hailesland Place in Wester Hailes will also shortly be submitted.
The site is nestled between Canal View Primary School and the Union Canal. The proposals consist of a mix of terraced houses and a 4 storey flatted block. The flatted block responds to the massing of Murrayburn Place to the west, whilst the terraced houses reflect the smaller scale buildings around the eastern boundary. New footpaths will complement the local pedestrian network helping to link together the neighbourhood.