Artist impression of the Aberdeen Beachfront project

Aberdeen Beachfront


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Community facilities
£50 million
Aberdeen City Council
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Regenerating community facilities to boost tourism and wellbeing

Robertson is delivering a transformational £50m project as part of the wider Aberdeen Beachfront joint venture between Aberdeen City Council, in partnership with hub North Scotland. This regeneration will develop new facilities, boost tourism and improve wellbeing in the area.

This new Beachfront plan offers a variety of new facilities, including an exciting new play area, event facilities, renovations to the Beach Ballroom and replacing the current leisure centre. The key aim of this project was to create a unique new waterfront destination for the City of Aberdeen.


hectare event field



Spring 2024 

work begins

Back in March 2022, Aberdeen City Council worked with local children and young people to help design the new Beachfront area, the design team for the project took many of these ideas into the masterplan.

Project delivery

Phase 1 of the Beachfront project includes the events field, amphitheatre, Gateway building, pump track, sports arena, enhancement of the iconic Broadhill area and the world-class bespoke play park. The construction works for this began in the Spring of 2024.

Phase 2 is focused on the landscaping for the beach boulevard and pedestrian spine.

Phase 3 will focus on the boardwalk, public facilities, pavilion, beach village and new club house.

Supporting green travel

Due to the proximity of the beach to the city centre, it has a unique relationship within the city. A key goal for this project is to make green travel easier by enhancing footpaths and cycleways, improving sustainable links between the city and Beachfront and helping to reduce vehicle travel and pollution in the area. This contributes to Aberdeen’s goal to become a Net Zero City.

Making the Beachfront a must-visit destination

The redevelopment of the area will provide great quality leisure space and encourage wellbeing through enhanced walking and cycle routes, recreational facilities and space for activities and events. Aberdeen Beach and the Links are set to become an even better place for residents and visitors to enjoy, who will want to visit to again and again, in turn boosting the economy of the area.

“Financial close is a key moment and the culmination of three years hard work by the project team to get to this stage. I am delighted we have appointed Robertson Construction Group as our main contractor as they have an excellent track record in delivering major projects such as this.

“These works are a major element of the overall city centre and Beachfront masterplan and over the next few years we will see significant new infrastructure delivered across Aberdeen.”
Richard Park
Chief Executive, Hub North Scotland

Procurement route

The project has been procured through the Hub North Scotland Ltd (HNSL) framework.