Aerial view of Carse hub

The Treehouse, Inverness


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Community facilities
Scottish Canals
July 2022
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Lasting benefits for the people of Inverness

Robertson constructed The Treehouse, a two-storey building with offices and a multipurpose hall, while creating hard and soft landscaping, pedestrian routes and car parking to enhance the recreational value of the local nature reserve and canalside location.

Delivering this multipurpose building enhances accessibility and usage of the local nature reserve.

This project aimed to reconnect local communities with the waterfront communal greenspace, activities and facilities. The area will also be used by visitors and tourists.

1 km+ paths

refurbished or created

9.5 / 10

customer satisfaction

accident free


Delivering benefits for years to come

The multi-use hub building will provide office, training and educational functions for the community and help the regeneration of this industrial area, as well as connect closely with Merkinch Nature Reserve, with enhanced bicycle and walking links in tune with broader ambitions for a more sustainable local transport network.

Protecting a scheduled monument

The Thomas Telford-designed canal is classed as a scheduled monument with historical significance. We took extra care when delivering the project without disturbing the infrastructure.

Maximising value for the customer

Using our design and build experience, we worked closely with the client team to achieve the optimum specification for best value and lowest carbon footprint.

Increasing recreational use for the community

The site was overgrown before construction began, so the team spent time to clear vegetation and open up paths on the nature reserve. We also created a new temporary path, allowing our work to continue without having to completely close all the public paths in the area, meaning that local people and visitors did not lose this amenity for the duration of the project.

Enhancing local careers along the way

After local schools were invited to the site for a visit, one pupil was inspired and gained the confidence to look further into the construction industry. He since took the first step on his career path, securing an apprenticeship with a local glazing company.

Project team

Architect: Law, Dunbar Naismith
Project manager: Scottish Canals
Principal contractor: Robertson (Northern)
Civil & structural engineer: David Narro Associates
M&E engineer: CDMM (UK) Ltd