East End Campus

Drumgeith Community Campus and Greenfield Academy


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£100.8 million
Dundee City Council
July 2025
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Passivhaus design for Dundee's East End Campus

Robertson is constructing a new secondary education campus to serve as a direct replacement for two Dundee high schools that are nearing their end of life. Robertson Tayside is collaborating with Dundee City Council as the Design & Build Contractor for the project, which will be delivered to Passivhaus design standards and in compliance with the Scottish Futures Trust LEIP2 deliverables. 



19,585 m2

Gross Internal Floor Area 

Combining schools for the optimum environment for learning

Dundee city council’s aspiration for the project is to provide a state-of-the-art education facility that will be fully utilised all year round. As part of this project, two collocated schools—Braeview Academy and Craigie High School—will be combined to offer an optimum environment for learning and achievement as well as more facilities for the wider community. The new campus will provide footpaths links and walking routes, engaging with the existing Dundee Green Circular route, to provide a sustainable active travel plan. 

Sustainable practices

The sustainable design of the shared campus will involve all five principles of Passivhaus design: thermal insulation, thermal bridging, airtightness, triple glazing windows and insulated window frames and ventilation systems with heat recovery to supply constant fresh air. This project will also see the introduction of Green steel - the production of steel without the use of fossil fuels. This will be used for the frame of the main additional support needs block. Other sustainable practices include the reduction of site tipping and spoil hauling and the installation of electric car charging points. 


The project was procured through the Procurement Hub – Major Projects framework 2 (MPF2). This brings a range of benefits, in particular a focus on spending project budget locally boosting the economy for Dundee City Council area. 

“The campus is the most important investment in the city’s future. Its delivery will allow us to improve educational and community facilities which will tackle significant challenges of poverty.”
John Alexander
Leader, Dundee City Council

Route to market

This new school was directly awarded to Robertson Construction Tayside by Dundee City Council through the Procurement Hub Major Projects Framework 2 (MPF2).