Robertson Civil Engineering forest access road construction

Duntanlich Mine surface infrastructure


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Commercial / industrial
MI SWACO, part of Schlumberger Group
December 2020
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Roads and infrastructure to support new mining operations in Perthshire

Duntanlich Mine is a new deep mine site near Pitlochry, extracting barite ore for use in the oil drilling sector. Robertson both designed work packages and delivered the infrastructure to support these operations.


hectare area

15 km

of access and haul road

65,000 m3

material extracted

Project packages:

  • Haul road – creating 1 km of surfaced road and a new access junction to the A827, which link with a transfer site.
  • Transfer site – constructing a steel frame process building, external storage bays and a weighbridge.
  • Access track – delivering 13.5 km of unbound track to access the mine site. Including sections with 20% gradient, to keep within planning boundaries.
  • Borrow pit – extracting 65,000 m3 of material, using drill and blast technology, to be used in the project.
  • Mine site – constructing an office/welfare building, workshop with inspection pit and crane, and storage buildings.

Value engineering through our professional expertise

In providing value engineered solutions, we assisted the client to meet their budget, better the construction programme and reduce project risk. Bringing our expertise and knowledge, over 20 items were incorporated, saving around £350k.

A remote location with environmental sensitivities

During preconstruction, we worked closely with the client and regulators – including Perth & Kinross Council planning, SEPA, Scottish Natural Heritage (now NatureScot) and Forestry and Land Scotland – to develop appropriate designs, methods and construction controls, and to minimise environmental impact and obtain the necessary consents. We sensitively accommodated areas of peat bog as well as several watercourses that are subject to Controlled Activities Regulations.

Community engagement

With community engagement at the heart of what we do, the project was received positively. We visited Logierait Primary School, gave site talks with local groups and the community council, and liaised closely with nearby landowners to ensure everyone was involved and informed.