Elgin Retail Park
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Keeping retail spend within the local economy
Robertson redeveloped a brownfield site into a modern, easily accessible retail park destination with ten units, attracting national chains and bringing £90m of annual retail spend back into the town.
To be successful, it was essential that Elgin Retail Park provided flexible, functional and easily serviced space for retailers within a pleasing, easily accessible customer-focused environment.
annual retail spend retained
85,000 square foot
of retail space
car parking spaces
Complete service: site assembly, construction and property management
Robertson Property undertook the development from site assembly and planning to project delivery on behalf of The Robertson Group.
The scheme was constructed by Robertson Northern and the owners, who retained Robertson Property to provide property management services once the retail park was finished.
Keeping retail spend within the local economy
Elgin Retail Park has attracted national retailers which otherwise would not have had the opportunity to locate in Elgin.
Research indicated that approximately £90 million per annum of retail spend was lost to Inverness and Aberdeen. Elgin Retail Park has contributed to stemming that flow to the benefit of the local economy.