Tameside Council facilities management
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Seamless facilities management, catering and estates management
Since 2018, Robertson has provided large-scale maintenance and management service for Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council (MBC) including facilities management, estates management and catering for 53 primary schools. Successfully managing the takeover of services from a previous provider, we ensured that all the Council’s facilities perform to their best, and with total continuity.
286 buildings
internal area
council wards
Services provided
- Total FM services for the Tameside BSF (Building Schools for the Future) estate
- Catering for 53 primary schools
- Additional services contract including venue management
Total FM: maintaining Tameside BSF schools
Our total FM services keep the nine Tameside BSF schools running smoothly. There are seven secondary schools built under PFI contracts and two built under design and build contracts.
Hard FM services include mechanical and electrical maintenance and lifecycle management, while soft services include cleaning, catering, caretaking and grounds maintenance.
staff live locally
added to local economy
Catering services to 53 primary schools
We provide healthy, balanced meals to 53 Primary Schools in the Tameside Council area. Our service is tailored to the children and our client – offering a choice of meals, in line with National Nutritional Standards, that are excellent value for money.
624,000 school meals
free school meals
Events and estates management
We have worked with Tameside Council to identify how we can help the council achieve its objectives. We were awarded a second contract to deliver:
- events management – elections, wedding receptions and functions at town halls and community centres;
- asset management including M&E and lifecycle maintenance;
- estates services – management and delivery, from within the Tameside Council team;
- minor works including refurbishments and office moves;
- catering and hospitality at Stanford Park café.
271 locations
asset management
8000 events
per year