St Georges Park Hospital
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Discreetly maintaining a mental health facility
Robertson Facilities Management provides a unique mix of facilities management to the 211-bed St Georges Park mental health hospital in Morpeth.
Located just outside Morpeth Town Centre this mental health hospital was opened in 2006 by the Duchess of Northumberland. St George's is a large campus incorporating domestic scale dwellings with the flexibility to cater for future clinical changes. The hospital offers its patients a full range of mental health facilities including acute adult admission/treatment, mother and baby, rehabilitation, behavioural development, slow stream rehabilitation, continuing treatment and care, and a geriatric assessment/treatment/day hospital.
RFM is charged with discreetly delivering a hard FM service across the facility whilst taking full recognition of patients dignity and privacy. During our 30-year contract, we are providing a variety of hard FM services to the hospital which include:
- energy optimisation programme;
- estates;
- grounds;
- helpdesk;
- pest control;
- window cleaning.
"I'm proud of the work we carry out on site and the relationships the team and I have with the client and all staff at St. Georges Park."
Importance of safety
The main hospital building sits alongside a domestic village-style environment of clinical accommodation to facilitate rehabilitation and longer-term care, as a result of this our employees come into contact with patients on a daily basis and are able to interact with them safely and confidently.
We also take care to understand the working practices of the soft FM provider, and indeed the patient groups who operate catering facilities, in order to manage interface issues which have the potential to create challenging situations. We have the advantage of being able to draw upon our experience of soft FM delivery on other Healthcare projects
All of our employees and subcontractors receive specific and appropriate training to ensure the safety and privacy of everyone involved at all times. It is also essential that they have a high degree of communication and planning with the care staff on site to plan the delivery of future services and activities.