Barnes Junior School, Sunderland
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Upgrading and expanding a 120-year-old listed school building for Sunderland City Council
The future of an historic school building has been secured following the refurbishment and extension for Sunderland City Council.
Robertson has protected the character of Barnes Junior School’s Grade II listed building, with a design that connects the 120-year-old structure with the new extension, creating capacity and a quality new learning environment without compromising on the heritage of the school.
Grade II
listed building
Expanding capacity and creating opportunity at Barnes Junior School
As the infant and junior schools were Grade II listed, demolishing the structures and building a brand-new facility was not an option.
Instead, our team worked around these attractive old buildings and constructed extensions and new walkways that connected the old with the new. Replacing like-for-like where appropriate, we worked closely with Sunderland City Council and the Historic Building Society throughout the project.
The existing dining block was demolished as this was not listed, meaning we could create a new dining block between both school buildings, along with an enclosed glass walkway access on both sides.
The new building is home to a brand-new kitchen, dining hall, classrooms, and office space, and incorporates solar energy panels to reduce the school’s carbon footprint, expanding capacity and upgrading facilities for generation of learners.
Community impact
We take great pride in our social and community engagement initiatives, and on every project, we look to improve the lives of people in the communities we work.
At Barnes Junior School, our site team engaged with the local community from the outset and provided detailed information to residents about planned events, how long we would be on site, and what they might expect.
From one of these events, a local resident who has been made redundant during the Covid-19 pandemic got in touch with us about possible employment opportunities. Our site manager was able to offer the local resident a general labouring position which has lasted the full length of the project.
Procurement routes and frameworks
Our customer Sunderland City Council procured our services through NEPO (North East Procurement Organisation) - which administers frameworks for North East England.
Find out more about our frameworks and procurement routes and talk to us to explore the most suitable way for you to accelerate procurement.