Simonside Primary School
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Meeting demand for educational places in Newcastle
With a growing school population and new housing developments planned, the new Simonside Primary School progresses Newcastle City Council's masterplan to deliver new school places in the Newbiggin Hall area, north west of the city centre.
2,439 m2
Constructing 21st-century learning facilities
The new Simonside Primary School in Newbiggin Hall has increased capacity by over 100 places and provides a stimulating, inclusive, 21st century learning environment for pupils and teaching staff.
Simonside Primary school is the first phase of a wider 18.2-acre education development on the site. The second phase of this project will bring a new secondary school as well new playing fields for use by both schools as well as the local community.
Robertson previously completed a £600k package of enabling works, involving demolition of an existing community centre and clearance of the site to make way for construction next to the existing Simonside Primary School. Demolition of the old primary school will be carried out during phase 2.
Project team
Architect: Ryder Architecture
Project manager: Summers Inman
Principal contractor: Robertson North East England
Civil & structural engineer: WSP
M&E engineer: Desco
Landscape architect: Oobe